Class Premiere: Watch Online

New Doctor Who spinoff Class comes to America this week. Here’s all the info you need to watch the premiere online.

A new Doctor Who spinoff is headed our way this Spring! Called Class, the drama follows the adventures of a group of four students and their teacher at the famous Coal Hill Academy. As longtime Whovians know, Coal Hill has a longstanding connection with series’ universe. This is the school the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan attended, where original companions Ian and Barbara worked, and where most recent TARDIS resident Clara Oswald also taught. Now, thanks to all that timey-wimey activity, the boundaries of time are stretched thin there, and Class kids must face all manner of new alien threats.

Class already aired in the UK, in its entirety. It premiered last October, garnered less than fantastic ratings and achieved minimal buzz. Part of the reason for this is that its broadcast rollout was nothing short of bizarre. It involved early screenings on the now online-only BBC Three, paired with late night BBC One airings that did little to move the needle in terms of viewership. Of course no one watched this.

Check out the series trailer:

BBC America decided to hold the premiere of Class for several months, and pair it with the new season of Doctor Who. This makes sense, to an extent, because the obvious core audience for this show is Whovians. But the big gaps between UK and US airings make it doubly hard for Class to build any real buzz or maintain fan enthusiasm.

The powers that be seem to be really counting on the show’s American performance to save it, so if you’re on the fence about whether you want to see a show that’s basically Torchwood for Teens, tune in. Otherwise we might not get a Season 2. (Plus, we hear Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi pops up for a minute.)

Here are all the details you need to watch Class online:

Date: Saturday, April 15

Start Time: 10:10 p.m. ET

TV Channel: BBC America

Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2

Next: Watch TV Online

Class airs every Saturday on BBC America at 10:10/9:10c following the new season of Doctor Who.