Grey’s Anatomy killed off a great guest star in the last episode. To see Maggie deal with her mother’s death, here’s how to watch Grey’s Anatomy online.
So, obviously, everyone’s heard of Samuel L. Jackson. He’s famous for a variety of action films; he played Mace Windu in the Star Wars prequel trilogies; he voiced Frozone in The Incredibles; and most recently, he appeared in Kong: Skull Island. Suffice it to say, he’s been around the block a few times. But did you know his wife LaTanya was also an actor?
Well, if you watch Grey’s Anatomy, you do.
LaTanya Richardson Jackson arrived in season 13 as Maggie’s adoptive mother, Diane Pierce. And boy, she was a tremendous addition to the cast. In addition to being a wonderfully loving mother and caregiver, Diane instantly connected with everyone who met her. Unfortunately, her trip to Seattle took a devastating turn when she discovered that she had breast cancer.
And in last week’s episode, she passed away.
Now, it can be said that Maggie is to blame. After all, she pushed her mom into the experimental drug trials and she insisted that Diane keep fighting. But we all know that Maggie hasn’t dealt with a loss like this before. So can you really blame her? I mean, she was doing her best.
So let’s check out the synopsis for this week’s new episode, “What’s Inside”:
"Maggie takes on a big case, but many of the doctors worry she’s not the right one for the job. Elsewhere, Stephanie makes a mistake while treating one of Grey Sloan’s own."
Of course, Grey’s Anatomy already confirmed that JErrika Hinton would be leaving the show after this season. And this would be the second time in she’s missed something and hurt someone. Will this be the straw the breaks the camel’s back?
To find out what happens, here are all the details you need to watch Grey’s Anatomy online:
Date: Thursday, April 6
Time: 8 p.m. ET
Episode: “What’s Inside”
Channel: ABC
Live stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2
Grey’s Anatomy airs on Thursday nights at 8 p.m. ET.