Things To Remember During The 100 Season 4 Hiatus You Probably Already Forgot

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Octavia was killed off the show for a hot minute.

Okay, y’all. Sometimes I watch this show and is does everything and more to rip out my insides. This scene where Octavia fell to her doom off the cliff was one of those times. I thought for sure that Octavia was a goner. Here comes yet another “Bellamy feels guilty for more people” storyline. No, no, no. We’re sick of those. So it was like waking up on Christmas morning when we found out that Octavia actually survived the 500-foot free fall into the rocky stream. Because 500-foot free falls are totally survivable … But I digress.

Anyway, where I’m going with all of this is that literally nothing came from it. *rewinds and thinks about the entirety of episodes 4 and 5* Nope. Nothing. Why did we see that whole Bellamy scene where he screams like he just found out his sister was dead? Oh, wait …

But really. Something needs to come out of this, and I’d be willing to bet it’s a much needed and long overdue conversation between those tragically broken Blake siblings where Bellamy explains to Octavia what losing her actually felt like. Maybe then, and only then, is when the two can find some sort of normal interaction again. Pleeeeeease.