The Entire Outlander Book Series: Ranked

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Photo Courtesy of Book Publisher: Penguin Random House

4. Voyager

What I loved:

Voyager will always hold a special place in my heart because it brought Jamie and Claire back together again. What I love the most was that Diana Gabaldon didn’t waste much time in getting our two protagonists back together again. She could’ve tortured us by stretching out their reunion, but I’m grateful that she didn’t.

Another great point about this book is it brought us the precocious, but resourceful Young Ian. Voyager also gave us a lot of background on what Jamie has done for the last 20 years. While some of it was heartbreaking to read, but it also showed us how he changed. Just when you thought you would never see Geillis Duncan ever again, she turns up like a bad penny. I’ve always been a fan of her crazy, so it was nice to see how her story ended and how it intersected with Claire’s when she was in her own timeline.

What I didn’t like:

If I had to pick something that I didn’t particularly like it would have to be the almost immediate separation of Claire and Jamie. Here are our two lovebirds having just been reunited after 20 years apart are yet again ripped apart. I didn’t know this would become a recurring theme throughout the entire series. Thanks, Diana.

I wish we would have delved in deeper into Claire’s life in those 20 years but it never really happens throughout the entire series. We get bit’s and pieces but not like Jamie’s backstory.