12 Video Games We Want to Play in 2017

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Still from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild trailer. Image via Nintendo.
Still from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild trailer. Image via Nintendo.

From a new Legend of Zelda game all the way to Telltale’s take on a Marvel group of superheroes, here are 12 games we’re looking forward to in 2017.

Although the Steam Winter Sale may have drained your wallet of more than you expected to spend, we suspect that your haul of games can help you last until 2017 starts dropping all the latest and greatest titles.

Sitting here at the start of the year, we don’t know what every single studio has in store — E3 doesn’t even kick off until June, and we fully expect surprises there. However, we do know about some of the titles we’ll be seeing this year at some point or another.

We’ve pared the list down to 12, since 10 seemed like too few and we wanted to go even beyond 11. You might not have heard of all of these games, or you might have heard of some, or you might have heard of all of them, have pre-orders set on your favorites, and have blocked out the weekends that they release for a full-on marathon session. (Confession time: yours truly fully expects that this will be the case whenever The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild actually comes out.)

Whichever category you fall into, we hope we can make a case for at least giving these games a closer look, if not that coveted pre-order. Let’s get started, shall we?