17 Little Known Shows To Stream When You’ve Run Out Of Ideas

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Photo: Netflix


Love, like other Judd Apatow vehicles, features wildly unlikable characters being pretty awful to each other. However, just like in his movies, Apatow somehow makes us really care about these jerks. The jerks in question here are Mickey and Gus, and they are as tragic together as they seem in the above production still.

Love is their, well, love story, but it takes a while for them to come around to it, and the 10-part Netflix original really has us rooting for them by the end. The show is pretty West Coast-specific (which I haven’t decided if it’s better or worse for it), but the characters are inept enough at navigating their own relationships that it makes me feel a lot better about my bumbling attempts at romance.

This show isn’t all that ground-breaking in its premise. I mean, Netflix is lousy with awkward romantic comedies about self-obsessed urbanites, but there’s something different about Love. Gillian Jacobs translates her signature deranged cool girl apathy into Mickey’s relationship with Gus who has a young Woody Allen vibe (but not in the creepy child molester way). The show follows their relationship through all the ups and downs, but it definitely takes it time doing so.

Love is available on Netflix.