15 reasons the Star Wars Holiday Special is actually terrible

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12. Creepy Sex Chair with Itchy

The first time I watched the Star Wars Holiday Special, I thought this chair was weird but I paid it no mind. Mainly because I thought that maybe it was just my weird brain. Then, I watched it with a friend who asked if it was a porn chair and it dawned on me that yes, in fact, this was the strangest gift someone could buy a Wookie and that we were witnessing this furry animal enjoy himself.

Honestly, the weirdest thing that has ever happened is realizing that maybe this isn’t the best for children. He watches Diahann Carroll sing a song as Mermeia, and he is way too into it. Again, it is the future prediction of VR Porn and we watched it as children.

Truly, the whole thing is terrifying to watch as an adult. I’m forever grateful to whoever thought this was terrible and hid it from the world until YouTube found it. Because if I had watched this as a child, I’m almost positive that I would have had nightmares. Especially since it had little to do with the characters I actually cared about.

I mean, Han Solo is in it for like 5 minutes, so who cares about any of the rest of it?