17 Non-Profit Organizations That Need Your Support in 2017

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American Civil Liberties Union

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) works to ensure every American’s right to liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. The ACLU is concerned with many of the issues impacting America today (which were highlighted during the 2016 presidential election) such as criminal law reform, racial justice, reproductive freedom and much more.

For example, the American Indian Tribe (Sioux) at Standing Rock, North Dakota has been protesting a pipeline that would traverse through their reservation. The Dakota Access Pipeline would transport thousands of barrels of oil daily from North Dakota to Illinois.

Many Native Americans and environmental activists are afraid the pipeline could leak and destroy their land and pollute the water.

"The ACLU is committed to defending the rights of American Indians and tribes to be free from discrimination and governmental abuse of power, whether the government be federal, state, or tribal."

At the time of this writing, the Sioux at Standing Rock and many allies are celebrating. The Army Corps of Engineers decided it would not allow a crude oil pipeline to move forward and threaten the drinking water and sacred lands of the Great Sioux Nation.

But, this decision could be temporary. Since President-Elect Donald Trump has invested in this pipeline, his administration could undo the treaty and move forward with the project.

To learn more this non-profit or to make a donation click here.