The Best Thanksgiving Episodes In The (Recent) History Of Television

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Via Giphy

I love Friday Night Lights. Every episode, every character, every season. Coach and Tami Taylor are absolute life goals and this show will change your life. Not to oversell, but for real, it’s that powerful. The critically acclaimed (but woefully underwatched) show is about a small town in Texas in which high school football means the most to everyone in this town.

Based on a movie by the same name, the series was so well-written and executed that this will go down as one of the greatest TV-dramas of all time. I really can’t tell you how good this show is. Words to live by: Clear eyes. Full heart. Can’t lose.

(And just so you know, I typed that through tears.)

If you haven’t had the pleasure of watching this show, then you need to spend your Thanksgiving break bingeing it with purpose and intention. Seriously, folks who haven’t seen it, why do you hate yourselves?

In the season four finale, Sarencen is leaving for Chicago, Julie-less, Tim Riggins is headed for jail, and Tami is losing her job. But I’m still thankful for this show in every single way.

Texas, forever.