Culturess Reacts to their Pottermore Assigned Patronus

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Image via Pottermore

Hyena- April Jones

Ok, before I talk about what my Patronus is, I feel like I should mention that I have been sorted into Ravenclaw. So if you’re going to judge me based on my Potterisms, keep in mind that members of Ravenclaw are known for their wit and intellect.

Hopefully that’s enough to balance out the fact that my Patronus is a…hyena.

Yes, those maniacal, cackling, annoying creatures that taunted Simba in The Lion King. I hope that just means that I have a good sense of humor. And apparently hyenas are smart which is cool too. I’m okay with being considered smart and funny. Hyenas just don’t seem to be very…normal. And they’re very weird looking, like a cross between a dog and a cat but not as cute as you’d expect such a hybrid to be. Hang on. Ok, according to Wikipedia, hyenas are pretty tough. They’re not afraid to fight off lions over food. Oh and they’re not very social either.

Wow, this is starting to make sense. I suppose a hyena isn’t a completely horrible Patronus. Aparently it’s a rare enough to be considered an “unusual” result. Sure, it’s no stallion or raven, but it could be worse. At least it’s not a weasel.