The Good Ones Are Taken is a delightful romp from Taj McCoy

The Good Ones Are Taken is a unique yet utterly fun romance from Taj McCoy.
The Good Ones Are Taken by Taj McCoy. Image Credit to MIRA.
The Good Ones Are Taken by Taj McCoy. Image Credit to MIRA.

Some romance authors are criminally underrated and for me, it’s Taj McCoy. She has written some great books including The Good Ones Are Taken.

When I first saw this book, I knew I had to pick it up because as mentioned, I adore Taj McCoy and her writing. She truly makes me fall in love and understand her characters in a way I can’t explain.

In addition, the concepts she featured within her romances are so unique and I feel like that’s refreshing. We’ll talk about the plot here in a second but her books also have cute covers which I’m not ashamed to say draw me in.

I’d like to thank MIRA for sending me an ARC so I was able to read this early and share my thoughts and feelings with you.

The Good Ones Are Taken is a fun romance with a unique premise.

The Good Ones Are Taken is all about our girl, Maggie who is looking for love. Both of her best friends are getting married and they want her to be there. However, they want her to have a date so she’s not the fifth wheel. At first, it doesn’t seem possible as Maggie keeps finding red flags everywhere.

Everything feels even more compounded when her best friend, Garrett is helping to weed through her choices. Eventually, she ends up meeting Blake at the gym and the two hit it off but something doesn’t feel right. The two keep trying and every time it falls short which is exactly when Garrett admits that he’s in love with Maggie.

From there, it’s truly all on Maggie to decide who she would rather be with and who makes her happier. While the choice does seem obvious, it does take a while for Maggie to figure it out. I was rooting for one of them all along but I won’t spoil anything. However, the book didn’t just focus on the romance, though.

The Good Ones Are Taken also felt like a slice-of-life story as this is all happening to Maggie in real-time and it’s fun to watch. While you can normally predict where the romance is going to go, Taj McCoy had a few tricks up her sleeve. All in all, I really adored this book and it makes me want to read the rest of her backlist now.

While The Good Ones Are Taken won’t be for everyone, this romance does have its audience so hopefully, that’s you.

The Good Ones Are Taken by Taj McCoy is out now where books are sold.