ABC and CBS recently wrapped up two of their smashing hit series'. The networks and the series' fans said goodbye to both Young Sheldon and The Good Doctor roughly one week apart.
This got me thinking about my favorite series finales of all-time and also some that just missed the mark. I wanted to focus on the better series finales and possibly get people all in their feels over some tear-inducing final goodbyes.
Honorable Mentions
One strong contender for this list was the two-part Modern Family finale, but upon a rewatch, it just missed the cut. Although the finale finished strong, there was also a lot of random filler that did not move the overall plot forward. For that reason, it was excluded from this top-five countdown. With that said, one of the very final scenes where Phil and Clair Dunphy leave their porch light on, was iconic. The writer or writers who came up with that particular scene were pure geniuses.
Another candidate that just missed the cut was the Hannah Montana series finale. It felt somewhat awkward to include a children's series on this list, but it was an important part of my childhood, as it was for many others. And, Miley Stewart choosing to attend college with her best friend Lilly Trescott rather than shoot a movie with Johnny Depp will forever be a feel-good pop culture moment.
However, there was also an alternate ending to Hannah Montana and it made little sense, and it was unclear if it was insinuating the events of the entire series never happened. Let's just say the ending in the episode actual episode was better tenfold. With that, let's jump into the top-five series finales: