In season five, All American gave a devastating goodbye to series regular Taye Diggs, who portrayed the steady father and mentor, Billy Baker. Billy's death caused ramifications that are still present in All American in its sixth season, as everyone is still feeling the effects of Billy's loss, even if they have moved beyond the initial grief. But, as a massive milestone approaches, fans can look forward to Taye Diggs appearing in season six.
Likely to appear in flashbacks, a dream, or even some sort of hallucination, Billy Baker will somehow make his grand return in celebration of All American's 100th episode. One hundred episodes is one of the biggest milestones a television series can reach, and it is even more impressive amongst nearly every show being given a shortened number of episodes per season or networks being quicker to cancel shows.
If Billy's appearance is a hallucination of some sort, he could appear to numerous characters. Spencer, who looked to Billy as a father figure and football mentor, could be thinking of him as Spencer approaches the NFL Draft or the drama that surrounds GAU football. Jordan could be thinking of his father due to his approaching wedding with Layla as well as thinking of his future in the NFL. Olivia could be thinking of her father regarding the biography of his life she is in the process of writing. Laura, who may be thinking about starting to date again, could be looking to her late husband for a sense of closure. Even Asher, who is undergoing the trials and tribulations of fatherhood, could be thinking of advice Billy may have been willing to give him.
Otherwise, 100th episodes can be used a lot to take a look back at the past and see how far these characters have come since their initial introduction or make big plot moves regarding the future of the show and characters.
Taye Diggs' return as Billy Baker will occur on Monday, May 20th's episode of All American.