Santa's Naturals are the perfect candles to take into the new year

Holiday Giveback Candle - Santa's Naturals
Holiday Giveback Candle - Santa's Naturals /

Now is the perfect time to stock up on an assortment of candles that will keep you in the holiday spirit even as we head into a new year. For us, Santa's Naturals was the perfect choice to feel festive all year long. Not only is it in the name itself, but their scents are a real winner too.

We got the opportunity to try the Santa's Naturals Christmas Candles in Snow Fall, Fraser Fir, and Winter Berry. And they really do burn as long as they say they do. (In fact, we would say that 30 hours was pretty on point when it comes to how long these candles burned.)

Perhaps the most important aspect of any candle beyond their ability to burn nicely and for a long time is how they smell. And if you love candles that truly deliver on the promise of their scents, then you need Santa's Naturals in your home.

Bring the holiday magic into a new year with the addition of Santa's Naturals candles to your home

Although I am not as big of a fan of many of the Christmas and winter scents, I know my mother is. So I wanted to make sure that I had candle scents that she would enjoy. And these three scents were a win all around. Not only did I not mind these scents, but my mother also enjoyed them and their packaging.

These scents truly screamed festive vibes, which we love. And if you are looking to either stock up for yourself or to give as gifts for later, then these are a great choice.

We love when the packaging is just as well designed as anything else as it adds to the overall experience. And thanks to Santa's Naturals, we are getting great candle scents with some really festive packaging.

Have you ever tried Santa's Naturals candles before? Are you a fan of festive, holiday scents?

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