When looking at my most anticipated releases for the year, Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle was at the top of my list.
That's why when I got an ARC last year, I knew I was going to review it here and want to scream about it for days after reading. Thankfully, G.P. Putnam's Sons knows that I'm a huge fan of Sarah Hogle and her books so they also sent me a finished copy.
Due to some life changes, I ended up reading the day before it was released instead of a little bit earlier. Since Sarah Hogle is one of my favorite romance authors though, I knew I would devour this book in one sitting which is exactly what happened.
Before getting into my review, I'd like to thank G.P. Putnam's Sons specifically Nicole. She knows how big of a fan I am and has been incredibly patient and sweet to me. That's why I'm so happy to be able to share my thoughts with all of you.
Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle is a warm hug of a book.
Before I get into all my gushing thoughts, let me just share what this book is about. We're following Romina Tempest who has an affinity for flowers. Her talents helped her build a business alongside her sisters. Each sister has a speciality but Romina is known as flora fortunist. Essentially, she puts together flower arrangements that will help people in their romantic lives.
Things aren't going so great at the Magick Happens shop though so the shop's owner, Trevor wants to get a loan from his father to help out. When Mr. Yoon says he's coming in town, they think it's their chance until they find out he's getting married to Kristin, Romina's ex-boyfriend's mother. Of course, her ex, Alex is also in town for the wedding.
As you might imagine, things weren't nicely resolved between the two and there is plenty of simmering attraction bubbling beneath the surface. In addition, Romina and Trevor are fake-dating to make their respective exes jealous while also trying to seem credible to Trevor's dad. Of course, Alex doesn't believe it for a second and from there, we're watching the push-and-pull of the two amidst the backdrop of the wedding.
With the plot out of the way, let me say that this is unlike any other Sarah Hogle book I've read yet and I mean that in the best way. Old Flames and New Fortunes is a romance with a dash of magic, coziness, and loads of great relationships. However, no relationship can surpass the one between Alex and Romina as they were originally high-school sweethearts who broke up for reasons we find out.
Honestly, I adored the angst and tension Sarah Hogle showcased between Romina and Alex. These two had so many unresolved feelings and it was delicious. Coupled with the flashbacks she included, it was a delight. From the first moment they reunited, it was clear these two were connected by their own invisible string.
Aside from the romantic relationship within this story, I adored the sisterly relationships between Romina and her siblings: Luna and Zelda. Alex was also close to his mother, Kristin and it made for a unique dynamic. There were some tough conversations about family and dealing with partners who have kids as Romina has some baggage and trauma associated with a previous partner and his daughter.
Even though Sarah Hogle tackled some tough subjects, Old Flames and New Fortunes was undeniably romantic. Seeing these two slowly fall for each other again and figure out the truth about their past was perfection. Once you get to the end of the book, there is a scene that broke me in the best way and I'm still thinking about it.
Old Flames and New Fortunes was truly worth every second of waiting and I can't wait to go back and re-read all of Sarah Hogle's books. I know that her books can tend to have mixed reactions but I think that if you liked Twice Shy, you'll adore Old Flames and New Fortunes. This is easily making the cut on my favorite books of 2024 and I am dying to have the next book in my hands already.
Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle is out now where books are sold.
Will you be picking up a copy of Old Flames and New Fortunes on release day? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter/X.