National Candy Month mark the Confectionary Business as a Billion Dollar Industry

June marks Juneteeth as well as Pride Month! It marks National Candy Month.
7-Eleven Peach Candy Lemonade Slurpee - credit: 7-Eleven
7-Eleven Peach Candy Lemonade Slurpee - credit: 7-Eleven

June may feel like a dead of summer month for working individuals in the United States, but this month marks reminders of observations like Juneteenth to Pride Month and National Candy Month. National Confectioners Association stated that the reason to mark this moment on the calendar as a reminder and celebration for the $48 billion confectionary industry.

Before candy was introduced on shelves, the first candies were medicinal, and a Candy Professor blogger told Smithsonian Magazine that an apothecary in the 18th century would prescribe sugar candy for things like chest ailments or digestion problems. That was, before, Mary Poppins quoted "A Spoonful of Sugar."

Candy Professor blogger explained to Smithsonian Magazine that in the 19th century, apothecary and confectionery started becoming separate professions until after the Civil War, new industrial machines entered the late 19th and early 20th centuries making it possible to produce candy.

The associatassociation also explained individuals in the United States enjoy chocolate and candy 2-3 times per week. expressed that 86% of people going on a road trip will bring along chocolate and candy while a 82% will share treats on a family visit, the 68% will hit the beach with their favorite sweets.

In the association's State of Industry report of 2023, candy mades up 3.61% of in-store sales, plus an increase from 3.48% of in-store sales in 2022. The amount of candy purchased contributed $4,178 gross profit dollars per store, per month since last year and before.

NCA President and CEO John Downs explained to that it's no coincidence that National Candy Month falls at the start of summer and it's the perfect time to appreciate all that makes this time of year so enjoyable. Downs continue more on the consumers savor the longer nights, warmer temperatures, and relaxed schedules of the season will turn once again to chocolate and candy to enhance their favorite summer activities as well as traditions.

What is your favorite candy or chocolate you will be consuming this National Candy Month?