Not Dead Yet distinguished itself as a sitcom following journalist Nell, a woman returning to her previous stomping grounds after the unraveling of her romance in England. Upon returning, Nell discovers that her best friend has become close with their narcissistic boss, Lexi and that Nell's job had been given away in her absence, leaving Nell to take up the role of writing obituaries.
That, of course, is where things get interesting. Any show could be about people trying to find their way in the world. But, the discovery that Nell has a connection to the obituaries because she actually gets to communicate with the late people she is writing about gave the show a more heartfelt edge.
Unfortunately, season two seems to be stepping away from that concept, which is a large mistake, as it is the most emotional and heartfelt part of the show.
Instead, Not Dead Yet could not remove the concept completelym as the series is self-aware enough to know that Nell needs to interact with ghosts. However, season two's episodes seem more interested in showing Nell's romantic life and Lexi's trouble standing up to her even more narcissistic father.
While Not Dead Yet's desire to show more of Nell's strive to improve her personal life if welcome, the choice to do that by throwing its original concept onto the back burner, including the stakes in the mystery and comedy of Nell desperately trying to jeep her ability to see ghosts a secret, is a big misstep for the show.
Even though there have been other ghost related plot lines, in certain episodes, ghosts only appear briefly before disappearing, and Nell is left to whatever plot line the show deems amusing.
Not Dead Yet has unceremoniously removed the greatest part of the show, leaving out the heartfelt moments and connections that help Nell grow as a person.