Dark Olympus by Katee Robert: Ranked from worst to best

With 6 books out now, we wanted to rank the Dark Olympus series by Katee Robert.
Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.
Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.
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When it comes to writing, no one does it like Katee Robert. As a romance author, she is always cranking out something new or giving us a new book in a series we all love.

While I've read a lot of Katee Robert's books, I wanted to show some love to my favorite series of hers which is the Dark Olympus series. Since Midnight Ruin was just released on January 16th, I thought it would only be right to go back and rank the entire series thus far.

Even though the tagline says "Worst to Best," I'll be totally honest with you and share that I haven't given one of these books under 4-stars. Obviously, I'm a massive fan of Katee Robert, and her writing, and enjoy her stories so this is a list all about having fun and celebrating this author and her series.

With that being said, we're going to be ranking all of the books from best to worst in the Dark Olympus series which includes Neon Gods, Electric Idol, Wicked Beauty, Radiant Sin, Cruel Seduction, and Midnight Ruin.

And the #6 spot goes to...

Wicked Beauty
Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.

6. Wicked Beauty

When it comes to books in the Dark Olympus series, the one I haven't ever truly loved as much as the others is Wicked Beauty. Given that it's the first throple in the series, that makes me sad. This book follows Helen who is volunteered to be Ares' bride by her brother. To get back at him, she enters the competition to become Ares herself.

Things get even messier when she is introduced to Achilles and Patroclus. The three end up having a scorching attraction to each other and it's unapologetically sexy. In addition, we're also seeing all the action and tragedy that comes with the competition. While this book is sexy angsty fun, Wicked Beauty ended up at #6 on my list.