All I Want Is You is the Christmas romance you've been waiting for

Falon Ballard will have you ready to deck the halls after All I Want Is You.
All I Want is You by Falon Ballard. Image Credit to G.P. Putnam's Sons.
All I Want is You by Falon Ballard. Image Credit to G.P. Putnam's Sons. /

Even though it’s only September, Christmas is right around the corner and what better way to celebrate than with All I Want Is You by Falon Ballard?

Falon Ballard is giving us the gift we’ve always wanted from her and that’s a Christmas romance book. As someone who loves Christmas and romance books, this one was something I knew I wanted to read. 

Whether you’re one of those people who is counting until Christmas or want to wait until after Thanksgiving, All I Want is You is sure to be exactly what you’re looking for. Like every great Christmas song, it’s short, sweet, and everything you need for the season. 

I’d like to thank Putnam for not only putting this one on my radar but sending me an ARC so I was able to read it early. 

All I Want Is You is a Christmas romance for book lovers. 

As someone who has read and loved Falon Ballard’s previous work, I was so excited for this one so I was already bound to enjoy it. The story follows Jessica, a popular romance writer who is hoping for her big break. She ends up getting it in the form of introducing another “romance” writer named Nick at an awards ceremony for her publisher. 

There are a few issues with Jess introducing Nick. First, the two of them used to date and had a pretty ugly breakup. Second, Jess hates the way Nick writes romance as none of his books have a happily ever after in the end. As we all know, having an HEA is the core part of any good romance book and he doesn’t seem to follow the conventions of the genre. 

Since it’s the Christmas season though, most of us know what happens. Everyone gets snowed in and Jess is forced to stay in Nick’s room with him. Since this is a second-chance romance, there is so much delightful tension crackling between them. It’s clear there are still feelings there even if they don’t want to admit it and it makes for such an entertaining read. 

In addition, Falon Ballard adds moments of Christmas past when the two were still together and even shares why and how their breakup took place. It was so excellently done and made the romance all the more believable. The other thing I loved was that this book was relatively short but took a complete story and it really made me fall in love with these two and their romance. 

All I Want Is You is the ultimate holiday romance for those wanting to get in the spirit or needing something to get them out of a slump. This was such a fun and fast read that I read it in one sitting so I couldn’t recommend it more. It’s also a great one if you’re new to Falon Ballard and want to get a taste of her writing. 

Overall, All I Want Is You was the perfect Christmas read in my opinion. While this book might not work for everyone, this was a present I can’t wait to unwrap again and again. 

All I Want Is You by Falon Ballard is out now where books are sold.

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