Spencer James is at the forefront as All American confronts a major milestone event, the show's 100th episode. "100%" examines Spencer's past as he prepares for the biggest game of his football career thus far, the college championship, and the last of his college career before moving on to the NFL.
But, it is not just excitement that Spencer is facing, but nerves as well, as Spencer's dreams are haunted by Shawn and the memories of little league football. But Shawn is not the only familiar face to return in celebration of the show's 100th episode. Spencer's old friend and Crenshaw High School quarterback, Chris, also makes a return in recognition of Spencer's history and home in Crenshaw.
"100%" understands the significance of the 100th episode, as it perfectly balances nostalgia and the emotional hurdles of the present day and hopes for the future. Spencer re-vists the growth in his friendships with Jordan and Asher in comparison to the trio's very first football practice together, as well as a flashback of Spencer's initial introduction in the series premiere.
Spencer's dreams for a future in the NFL are met with his looking back at the most important fields of his life, influenced by a celebratory gift from his mother. However, as much as some of the biggest moments of the episode are fueled by Spencer's examination of his past, present, and future, he is not the only character to have moments like these.
Asher's journey has had him stray from being a football player to becoming a football coach, and it is an adventure that has worked out well for him. Asher's natural talent and knowledge of the field has helped his team take big steps to win. But, "100%" also acknowledges Asher's recent sense of loss over what it means to play.
In recent previous episodes, Asher has had dreams of being back in uniform, and even practicing with the rest of the team. While his heart is in better condition, it is still questionable whether Asher should be playing a real game. But, "100%" recognizes that sometimes, the biggest emotional moments come from taking big swings.
After years away from playing, Asher is gifted the opportunity for his swan song, when he suits up in the championship game and scores a touchdown. His moment of victory is quickly harmed by a hard hit that Asher down for a few dangerous moments, as the audience questions if Asher will stand back up. In a triumphant moment, Asher stands to the excitement of the crowd and Jaymee's relief at home.
It is a wonderful moment for Asher, but it is one that is made even better by Asher's recognition that as much as he loves to play football, he does not need to get back in uniform, and instead, what he truly needed, was the chance to say goodbye on his own terms.
Although Asher's return to the game was a beautiful moment, having the GAU Condors take home the win with a team effort from Jordan and Spencer allowed a brilliant sense of growth and closure to the amount of turmoil they have faced all season.
Otherwise, Olivia must confront what she wants Billy's legacy to be when her publisher wants to include scandals in Olivia's biography of her father. However, Olivia knows that publishing such details could cause people to forget her father's best qualities and only focus on his mistakes, as well as blowing up the lives of everyone around her. Instead, of following through with that, Olivia shuts it down, highlighting she wants to focus on the qualities that had Billy inspire those around him.
Olivia and Spencer's relationship even continues moving forward as they agree to officially move in together.
Layla's mental health journey continues to be a significant part of the show. But, it also acknowledges backslides, such as how Layla decides to plan a secret surprise wedding for her and Jordan after hearing that Jordan has fully stopped discussing wedding details.
Rather than jump on the opportunity to get married or get frustrated or upset, Jordan is calm, patient, and understanding as he puts Layla's mental health first above their engagement, to remind her that they do not need to be married yet to not become Layla's parents, and he does not want their wedding to come with any other outside factors or ulterior motives besides it being the right time to get married.
Coop's dedication to Patience's trial against Miko grows more interesting and dangerous as Coop is willing to go above and beyond to prove Miko is guilty, including gaining proof that Miko had stalked someone before Patience and that this is repetitive behavior rather than a first offense.
All American dedicates itself to the past, present, and future in an episode that portrays just how much everyone has grown over the last six seasons.