First-Time Caller is a dreamy romance you'll fall for instantly

First-TIme Caller will have you wanting to pick up your phone, l mean book.
First-Time Caller by B.K. Borison.
First-Time Caller by B.K. Borison.

If you've picked up anything by B.K. Borison before, you know just how charming her books can be. I mean she is from Charm City aka Baltimore so that makes sense.

Considering that First-Time Caller was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, this one was an immediate read in January. Given how cold and unforgiving the first month of the year can be, sometimes all you want is a "treat" read and that's exactly what First-Time Caller was.

Before getting into my thoughts, I'd like to thank Berkley for sending me a physical ARC so I was able to read and savor this reading experience. If you couldn't tell already, First-Time Caller will be more than a first-time call for me.

Whether you've read her Lovelight series or want to try something from B.K. Borison, then First-Time Caller is an excellent place to start.

First-Time Caller will have you falling in love from page one.

If you're a fan of Sleepless in Seattle, then you might recognize this storyline as someone who has never seen the film, I didn't notice it. First-Time Caller follows Aiden, a Baltimore-based radio host who has a romance hotline. Things take a turn one night when he gets a call from a girl asking for love advice for her mother which results in him meeting Lucie.

Aiden and Lucie end up talking with Lucie sharing what she wants in a relationship and how she doesn't want to compromise for that. People immediately connect with her and she ends up being brought in as Aiden's temporary co-host. The radio station is also trying to find Lucie love along the way which proves to be every bit as difficult as Aiden and Lucie trying to hide their growing feelings for each other.

While this story does focus a lot on the romance between Aiden and Lucie, B.K. Borison also gave us two compelling characters in Aiden and Lucie. Aiden is struggling in all walks of life and it feels like he can't seem to juggle anything or make anything work out right. Meanwhile, Lucie seems to have it all but just doesn't have someone to come home or have anyone who isn't her ex or her daughter to be able to spend time with.

It's truly amazing to see how much these two change and grow throughout the course of the story as Lucie realizes just how much her words have touched people. She's also a mechanic so seeing those little bits of her at work and being a mom just make this book feel so comforting. Aiden and Lucie feel like real people and that's why I adore B.K. Borison's writing so much. She makes you fall in love with these characters both together and as individuals.

The thing I adored is how much Borison loves her city. It's clear she has so much love for Baltimore as there were so many references sprinkled throughout the book. If you're from Baltimore, you're sure to adore those moments and definitely chuckle at a few of them. Even if you're not, then you won't be able to put down First-Time Caller by B.K. Borison.

First-Time Caller by B.K. Borison is out now where books are sold.