After Dev’s devastating death in the previous episode, Charmed returns with the eleventh episode of its final season titled “Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood.” Opening the episode with Dev’s memorial allows the audience to grieve his death with the characters until it’s time to help save the magical world once and for all.
Considering how much time was spent throughout the season searching for, protecting, and eventually hiding the sacrificial Unity Bowl needed to release The Lost One, it was surprisingly easy to recreate. A representative from all nine magical species, each now a member of The Unseen, gathered at the top of the episode to recreate the bowl, allowing them ample time to release The Lost One.
While that is happening, though, the Charmed Ones find themselves falling apart at the seams.
Kaela’s storyline in this episode was incredibly interesting and well done, showing the impact of Dev’s death while also allowing her to remain true to herself and her sisters. SimilarlySimilar to Maggie, Dev’s death leading to Kaela questioning whether or not she even wants to be a Charmed One allowed the series to explore, once again, the ramifications of being the chosen ones.
Though, Kaela eventually finding her way back to her sisters was an incredible pay-off for the work put into building their relationship this season, which has been the brightest moments of Charmed’s final season.
Maggie and Jordan continue to find themselves at odds, always establishing that their relationship might not be incredibly healthy as it stands but never quite able to sever the connection. Through helping returning fan-favorite Chloe the Pixie, Maggie and Jordan break up for what feels like the sixth time this season. I really hope the two of them can come to a place in the series finale that allows them to actually be together, even if it’s only establishing that they’ll work things out in the future.
As for Mel, she blows Maggie off to help her new girlfriend Roxie find the band that usually plays at her bar, which has gone missing. As it turns out, a band member was radicalized by The Unseen, which led to him killing his bandmate, who disagreed with the organization. Even though they couldn’t rescue the fallen band member, the mini mystery allowed Mel and Roxie some much-needed bonding time.
Unfortunately, Roxie kept from Mel that, by the end of the episode, her time on Earth would be over for the next seven years, sending her back to her homeworld while Mel went off to save the world. Though, she did call Mel to tell her that she isn’t hard to be in a relationship with, acting as a type of closure to what could’ve been. Though, it’s unknown if Roxie ever actually made it back to her homeworld, considering the episode’s ending.
In the final moments, one of the original Charmed Ones, Inara, was revealed to be The Lost One. The other two original Charmed Ones banished her for her desire to consolidate all the magic in the world into one single being: herself. They locked her away in a tomb, where her anger and malice grew; as punishment for their choice, all other Charmed sisterhoods were destined to be destroyed.
Inara, after being released, drank from the bowl to absorb the power of each of the nine magical species, resulting in the Power of Three not working. It’s unclear whether or not magic has now been stripped from the entire world of Charmed or if the Charmed Ones are the only ones without access to their magic, but no matter what the case truly is, the final battle against Inara will be the series’ most high-stakes battle yet.
For fans of the original Charmed, there was a possible hint of a connection between it and the reboot during this episode. Diana, Natasha Henstridge’s Whitelighter, told Harry that she comes from an alternate world, opening up the possibilities for parallel universes within the Charmed. franchise. In what is essentially Charmed in the Multiverse of Madness, it’s implied that the reboot is simply another universe contained within the larger Charmed universe.
With only two episodes left to wrap things up, Charmed has a tall order going into its series finale. With potentially no magic and their personal lives fully in shambles, the Charmed Ones will face their greatest enemy yet: One of their own.
Charmed airs Fridays at 8/7c on The CW, streaming the next day on The CW app.