In March 2017, The Vampire Diaries ended its run with eight seasons under its belt and a successful spin-off already underway. And while its original spin-off series, The Originals, has already ended its run, that doesn’t mean we have left that world behind thanks to Legacies.
However, while we may still get some of the magic that made both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals special thanks to Legacies, that doesn’t mean we don’t miss the parent series. As we dive deeper into 2022 and the fifth anniversary of The Vampire Diaries series finale, we can’t help but look back.
And in looking back, there are quite a few things we are missing when it comes to this series about two vampire brothers and the girl they both fell in love with.
Four things we miss about The Vampire Diaries
- The Cast – At the top of any list of reasons for missing The Vampire Diaries has to be the cast. The fact that this cast was so much fun to watch, so talented, and just brought so much to the table made this series special from day one. And when talking about the cast, it is impossible not to shine a spotlight on Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, and Nina Dobrev. These three were at the very heart of the series and were able to make magic happen no matter what else was happening on our screens.
- The Brothers – Speaking of the cast, the thing that made this show special was that it was, at its core, about two brothers – Damon and Stefan Salvatore. If you read the books this show was based on, then you already know just how important these brothers are to the storyline, but even if you didn’t, the entire premise of the show was based around these two brothers who are bound for eternity. Whether they are hating each other or working together, there is a bond between these two men that far outweighs anything else that might come their way.
- The Paranormal Element – Even though there are still vampires, wolves, ghosts, and other paranormal elements on our screens, it doesn’t feel like there is anything quite like The Vampire Diaries on our screen. While it doesn’t come as a big surprise that the “trend” of vampires and wolves has died down some, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a hole where there were once shows like TVD and The Originals. This was a show that fully embraced vampires, werewolves, witches, and all things spooky and out of this world. And they did it in a way that made it seem like they could be among us right now, which worked every time. It was brilliant storytelling and it’s something we miss on our screens.
- The Romance – Honestly, as much as this was a paranormal show, it was also a romance. And those romances made up an important part of what made us tune in every week. There was heartbreak, romantic soulmates, and even friend soulmates. And every week we watched relationships grow and evolve in a way that doesn’t always work, but that The Vampire Diaries made seem natural.
Honestly, there is so much to miss about The Vampire Diaries . The thing we miss the most is the fact that it was a really good show that kept us entertained. We laughed, we cried, we cringed, and we watched.
Were you a fan of The Vampire Diaries? Do you miss the show as much as we do? What do you miss the most?