On February 3, Variety shared the news that John Harlan Kim had been cast in the upcoming LA Law sequel. The series, which also includes original cast members Corbin Bernsen and Blair Underwood, is currently just working on their pilot episode, but this casting news, does leave us wondering what about Nancy Drew.
With Kim potentially joining the cast of LA Law’s sequel permanently, does this mean that if Nancy Drew is renewed for a fourth season he won’t be back to finish his story? And is there even a story left to tell with Agent Park?
While the season 3 finale of Nancy Drew didn’t exactly give us much information on what comes next for Agent Park and Nancy, it left the door open for the romance they were building. With Ace apparently off the table as a romantic partner for Nancy, that gives Park a chance that we thought was gone.
And even if we aren’t looking to the romance of it all, there was something about having a member of law enforcement who not only knew about the paranormal but was actively working with the Drew Crew that made it a lot easier for Nancy and her friends to do what they needed to do without falling foul of the law. So if John Harlan Kim has a new job elsewhere, does this mean no more Agent Park?
John Harlan Kim looks to be moving on from Nancy Drew and heading to the LA Law sequel
At this point, Nancy Drew hasn’t been renewed for a fourth season, so this casting news may mean nothing in the long run, but considering what an amazing addition to the cast John Harlan Kim was, it would be a bit devastating to not have him come back for more. We just want more Agent Park and the Drew Crew action.
And yes, now that Nancy has set up her own office as an investigator, it would be nice to see her working more closely with Agent Park to solve all the mysteries, paranormal or otherwise.
We may have to wait for The CW to decide the future of Nancy Drew, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be concerned about casting news like this when it comes to characters we love.
But what do you think Drewds? Are we sad to see John Harlan Kim potentially leaving Nancy Drew? Do you think he was even planning to return if Nancy Drew is renewed for a Season 4? What do you think of the casting news? We want to know.