In the upcoming November 21st episode of The Simpsons, Springfield resident, and loyal assistant to Mr. Burns, Waylon Smithers, will finally have a boyfriend. In the episode, titled “Portrait of a Lackey On Fire“, Smithers finds love with a jet-setting fashion designer billionaire named Michael De Graaf. For Smithers, he sees a new world outside of Mr. Burns, and what it could mean for his future.
Does this mean that the prolonging Burns/Smithers running gags are over? Only time will tell.
De Graaf will be voiced by actor and Titanic alum Victor Garber. Garber, who is gay himself, reflected on being part of the landmark episode:
"“I think it’s crucially important that these stories are acknowledged,” he said. “I haven’t played a lot of gay characters, but every time I do it, it brings back certain feelings I had as a young actor where I couldn’t be gay. (The role is) a kind of a reminder of how much things have changed and also how I’ve evolved. In my journey to find self-acceptance, self-love, it’s a definite significant part of it.” -Garber for The New York Post."
Furthermore, “Portrait of a Lackey On Fire” has a special touch when it comes to the episode’s writing. The Simpsons long-term writer Rob LaZebnik teamed up with his son Johnny and wrote the episode together. Johnny added his perspectives on gay relationships, as well as how often the LGBTQA community is often portrayed as “punchlines.” Smithers and De Graff will break that mold (not that Smithers was ever one) and have a full-circle narrative.
While working with his father, Johnny remarked that his experience was “spectacular, fulfilling, and an honor.”
LaZebik also wrote the episode, “The Burns Cage” back in 2016 to show his son that despite being gay, he will always have his love and support for Johnny. In the episode, Smithers comes out of the closet, and in celebration, Homer hosts a mixer for his supervisor.
Entertainment Weekly has provided a teaser for “Portrait of a Lackey On Fire” that can be checked out here so you can see Garber’s new character at first glance.
What do you think of Smithers having a boyfriend? Do you think Mr. Burns will approve? Let us know in the comments.