Sesame Street receives COVID-19 vaccine backlash
To encourage kids to get vaccinated against one of the most dangerous viruses, Big Bird of Sesame Street received his Covid-19 vaccine. Recently, the PBS mascot tweeted with the news.
For the most part, the feedback was mostly positive. Even President Biden replied to Big Bird receiving the vaccine saying, “Good on ya, @BigBird. Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep your whole neighborhood safe.”
While the stance was meant to educate children on the importance of vaccines and why they can help cease deadly viral waves, some believed that Big Bird and the whole Sesame Street neighborhood were pushing “propaganda” onto the younger generation.
Enter Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz responded sardonically with a tweet of his own.
The Texan and his family and several other Republicans have gotten inoculated against Covid, but that does not stop them from stating political discord amongst children’s characters. From pop culture’s (whether they’d be animated or still life) early beginnings, characters have been implemented to create campaigns for children to learn life values, along with right and wrong. Big Bird’s tweet signifies just that, but it should also be noted that the tweet’s design is to be used as a recommendation and not a mandate.
The CDC has recently approved children for the Covid-19 vaccine from ages five years to eleven and gave out specific guidelines. While they are not at high risk of becoming infected, they can still get ill from Covid with both short-term and long-term repercussions, especially those who are immunocompromised.
This is not the first time that the 8.2 foot Big Bird came public with vaccines. Back in 1972 during Sesame Street’s second season, Big Bird received the Measles vaccine with other children.
On November 6th, Big Bird, Elmo, and a few other Sesame Street friends participated in CNN’s special, The ABC’s of Covid Vaccines. The program was hosted by CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and anchor Erica Hill. Parents and kids submitted questions that they had about the vaccines and what to expect.
What do you think of Big Bird’s flight to help children? Let us know in the comments.