9 YouTube creators to follow just in time for the holidays

UKRAINE - 2021/10/23: In this photo illustration a YouTube logo of an online video sharing and social media platform is seen on a smartphone and a pc screen. (Photo Illustration by Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
UKRAINE - 2021/10/23: In this photo illustration a YouTube logo of an online video sharing and social media platform is seen on a smartphone and a pc screen. (Photo Illustration by Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
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YouTube Channel: GeekXXChic

Name: Aisha Wilson

Location: Melbourne, Australia/Calgary, Canada

Age: 42 (but feels like 21)

Aisha is one of the biggest Marvel fangirls featured on our list. She’s reviewed and reacted to everything from the MCU movies to most of the Marvel series, including Runaways and the tragically short-lived The Gifted series on Fox. She is also a DCTV stan as well and regularly features The Flash and Titans on her channel. Her dry sense of humor and extensive knowledge of various source materials make her reaction videos both informative and entertaining. Her tastes also include shows with a slightly more mature tone, including The Walking Dead, The Boys, and Invincible.

“I’ve always been a tv and movie lover and around 2013 I started seeing that people were doing reaction videos to my favorite shows. I loved the concept of sharing people’s reactions to plot reveals or shocking moments and wondered if I could do the same since I had A LOT of commentary when I’d watch alone. So, I took the plunge finally, after some encouragement from my best friend,” Aisha explains.

While she lives for the super-heroics and action sequences we’ve all become accustomed to in modern superhero films, she values character development over anything else when it comes to what she watches.

"“I like original spins on storylines, well-developed characters, a well-thought out and expansive world, diverse casting, and strong female characters. Fantasy/comic book genres are my favorites to watch, so unfortunately finding that combo is more difficult than I’d like. but I think it’s changing for the better.”"

Aisha was especially excited about the release of Black Panther, featuring the late Chadwick Boseman, in 2018, as evidenced by her above reaction video. Like the rest of us, she’s eagerly awaiting the next set of MCU films, despite the recent announcement of the delays to next year’s schedule.

“I’m very excited for the next phase of the MCU; Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, and the Eternals. TV-wise, I’m looking forward to the newest seasons of The Witcher, Titans, and Cobra Kai.”

You can check out Aisha in all her GeekXXChic glory here.