Nancy Drew gave George her own fan club at Detectivecon

Nancy Drew -- "The Testimony of the Executed Man" -- Image Number: NCD303a_0251r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Leah Lewis as George and Alex Saxon as Ace -- Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Nancy Drew -- "The Testimony of the Executed Man" -- Image Number: NCD303a_0251r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Leah Lewis as George and Alex Saxon as Ace -- Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

We all know that the heart of Nancy Drew is our titular heroine. But in The CW‘s adaptation, they also gave us the Drew Crew to appreciate and root for.

Over the course of the first two seasons, we learned more about Nancy’s friends, but in the latest episode of Nancy Drew, “The Testimony of the Executed Man,” it’s George Fan who ends up with her very own fan club.

On a journey to put an end to the Frozen Hearts killer, Nancy, George, and Ace find themselves on a road trip to DetectiveCon. Unfortunately, they end up getting hijacked by another ghost and mystery, although that is a murder that has already been solved (or so the cops would you tell you). This leads to Ned and Bess joining the fun at DetectiveCon.

While there, Nancy Drew goes off to talk to the podcast host who has some inside knowledge on who the Frozen Hearts killer might actually be. This leaves George and Ned wandering the convention. And what they find is both typical of the Drew Crew and hysterical.

Nancy Drew had some fun at DetectiveCon

It turns out that there is an online fan club for George Fan. In the stories online, Nancy Drew is the “plucky sidekick,” while George is the detective of the group. And the stories are based on what has actually happened in Horseshoe Bay, right down to George dying and being brought back from the dead with a ghostly hitchhiker.

While this part of the storyline doesn’t really have anything to do with the two mysteries/murders that Nancy is trying to solve at DetectiveCon, it was a fun aside that reminded us that there is more to Nancy Drew than just the cases themselves.

What we love about this series is the relationships and people who bring the show to life. And the Drew Crew is as much at the heart of the show as the mysteries and mayhem that Nancy Drew is trying to solve. The Drew Crew, Nancy included, is where the magic happens because they add to the story. And considering George’s growth since the very first episode of the series, it actually makes a lot of sense that when it comes to an alternate take on what happens in Horseshoe Bay, she would end up being the heroine with a fan club.

With two mysteries solved in “The Testimony of the Executed Man,” this was actually a rather packed episode. But what did you think? Did you enjoy this episode? Did you think solving the serial killer mystery was too easy or rushed? What’s next, now that Nancy has a hunch that there is more to these murders?