Dress up in two DIY Halloween costumes of Eleven in Stranger Things season 3

Stranger Things 3 - Credit: Netflix
Stranger Things 3 - Credit: Netflix

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When Netflix’s fan-favorite Stranger Things premiered back in 2017, one of the most popular Halloween costumes that year was Eleven. The outfit most people liked to use as a reference was when the boys, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, dressed Eleven up in a pink dress with a Peter Pan collar, a blonde wig, and fans couldn’t forget to add her infamous nosebleed.

However, now that we are three seasons in with a fourth on the way, it’s time to update the DIY Halloween costume, much like the character has evolved. So we’ve gathered together all the components you’ll need to recreate one of Eleven’s ‘80s outfits from season three for a DIY Halloween costume.

Eleven Romper

Discover Rubie's Eleven 'Stranger Things' romper on Amazon.
Discover Rubie’s Eleven ‘Stranger Things’ romper on Amazon.

In the second episode, Max takes Eleven out to the Starcourt Mall, and they bond over the shopping trip. So much so that by the end of the episode, Eleven ends up breaking up with her boyfriend, Mike, with one of the season’s most iconic lines. On her path to self-discovery, Eleven dons a graphic romper that features a variety of colors and shapes. Pair this look with an ice cream cone, and you’re ready to take on some trick-or-treaters.

Buy it: Amazon

Eleven Battle Outfit

Discover Spirit Halloween Store's Eleven 'Stranger Things' battle outfit on Amazon.
Discover Spirit Halloween Store’s Eleven ‘Stranger Things’ battle outfit on Amazon.

In the seventh episode, Eleven wears black pants, suspenders that cross at the front, a graphic yellow button-up shirt, and a bandana to cover her eyes as she searches for Dustin, who has been trapped underneath Starcourt Mall. Eleven and the gang then head to the mall so she can fight the Mind Flayer. This battle outfit will remind fans of this epic sequence and get them excited for the next season.

Buy it: Amazon