American Horror Story is giving us a brilliant look at the past with aliens and it should stay there

American Horror Story: Double Feature — Pictured: Sarah Paulson as Mamie Eisenhower. CR: FX
American Horror Story: Double Feature — Pictured: Sarah Paulson as Mamie Eisenhower. CR: FX

American Horror Story is doing a deep dive into the mythology of aliens crashing in the United States and the idea that the government has been working with them all along. But the problem lies with the fact that they keep flashing to the present day when they should be sticking with the past.

In the second half of American Horror Story: Double Feature, the storyline is split between the past and the present. Unfortunately, the present-day storyline is not nearly as engaging as the storyline we are getting in the past, where presidents have made a pact with the aliens and the entire reason Kennedy was assassinated was that he was going to expose the alien agreement.

The present-day is a mess with characters we don’t care about, a pregnancy storyline that makes no sense, and apparently Steve Jobs getting advice from aliens. It is a disjointed look at what it might mean to be abducted by aliens and it is not working.

But, when we turn to the past and a character like Mamie Eisenhower, we get gold. And of course, that makes sense since we are talking about Sarah Paulson bringing this First Lady to life.

American Horror Story needs to stick to the past with aliens

At this point, learning more about the aliens and their crash landing is where the fascinating storyline lives in this half of Double Feature. And that means we want more of this.

We want to see more of Neal McDonough as President Dwight D. Eisenhower, especially now that we know why he chose to work with the aliens (to save his wife of course). And we want to see exactly what went into this partnership that seems less than willing.

And yes, we want to see who else is involved in the past coverup and what all they get out of working with the aliens. Now that we have an idea of exactly why President Eisenhower agreed to this relationship, we need more information and exactly what it entailed. And if that means not flashing to present we are okay with that (or at least I am because I am over the present-day abductees already).

What do you think of this alien storyline so far? Are you enjoying this half of American Horror Story: Double Feature? Do you prefer the past or present part of the story more? We want to know.