Since Titans premiered on the DC Universe, it has had a bit of a Batman problem. It’s not that we have a problem with Batman, but rather he is too central to the story when it is supposed to be about the Titans as a team.
Obviously, it makes sense in a lot of ways that Batman would be a central figure to the story, after all, Dick Grayson was once his Robin. And other members of the Titans have worked with our Caped Crusader. But when you get right down to it, this is supposed to be a story of this team of heroes that in some cases have been sidekicks and in others are more misfits than heroes.
With Titans, we got to see these characters come together as a team, but in many ways, there was a shadow hanging over them. And that shadow was like a giant bat.
However, as ScreenRant points out, in the new trailer for Titans Season 3, it looks like the series is making strides to get out from under the Batman shadow. Of course, the fact that they are heading to Gotham might make that seem unlikely, but from what the trailer is showing, it looks like Batman is done.
Is Batman stepping down as the shadow hanging over the Titans head?

While the Batman mythology has been done ad nauseum (we love Batman, but there are a lot of other characters in the comics that deserve a chance to shine too), Titans was supposed to be something else. For fans of Teen Titans, it was a chance to see these characters in live-action, and maybe as more adults. But thanks to Batman, it hasn’t delivered on the promise just yet.
Even members of the team have not had a chance to shine in the same way as the spectral figure of Batman has. (Over on Dog O’Day, the season 2 coverage was all about where is Krypto and Superboy after they were teased as big new additions to the team!) Beast Boy has barely gotten a solid storyline, even when he was abducted and brainwashed. Starfire is only getting a more central storyline in season 3 now that her sister is in the picture. And poor Robin 2.0, a.k.a. Jason Todd, has to die in order to get more of a presence on the series.
Batman is an amazing character, but the show is called Titans. We want more of their stories and we want them without the Batman of it all hanging over them. We want to see them actually working as a team, which is something that has been missing even into season 2 (it pretty much took until the final episode to get anywhere with them as a team).
It’s time for the Titans to shine on their own. And if that means Batman is quitting the gig, then that’s what needs to happen. But let’s see if that actually does happen, because honestly, at this point it doesn’t seem all that promising when you consider they are literally heading to Batman’s home turf – Gotham.
What do you think? Do you think Titans is giving too much space to Batman? What do you think the show needs to deliver in season 3? Let us know in the comments.