4 things that would have made Coming 2 America the perfect sequel

Coming 2 America -- Courtesy of Amazon Studios
Coming 2 America -- Courtesy of Amazon Studios /
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3. A run-in with Daryl at Madison Square Garden

Squeezing in Prince Akeem’s nemesis from the original flick, Darryl Jenks (Eriq La Salle), would have been golden. In fact, many in the Twitterverse were wondering why this character wasn’t included. While digging into his whereabouts could have interrupted the flow if not done properly, there was a golden opportunity for this character to appear in the sequel.

Going back to the 1988 hit motion picture, Prince Akeem goes on a double-date to a St. John’s game at Madison Square Garden. He and his date Patrice McDowell tag along with Lisa McDowell and Darryl. This detail is important because in the sequel Prince Akeem meets his son scalping tickets outside of that very same basketball arena. Before approaching his son, there could have been a scenario when he bumps into Darryl and whoever his date 30 years later is. With that being the same Darryl, he probably would be a sugar daddy in this sequel.

Knowing how much fans would have loved to see La Salle reprise his character, that scene seemed to be the most appropriate place to include Darryl. This could have been a brief cameo but one, like the many others this film included, that had a huge impact to satisfy the fans of the original story.