When will the next installment in the Crescent City series hit shelves?

Photo: Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas.. Image Courtesy Bloomsbury Publishing
Photo: Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas.. Image Courtesy Bloomsbury Publishing

Sarah J. Maas’ adult contemporary fantasy Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood was one of the best books of 2020. But when can we expect to read the next novel in the series?

For those of us who love the fantasy works of author Sarah J. Maas, 2021 is shaking up to be a pretty great year.

The long-awaited fifth novel in her A Court of Thorns and Roses series, titled A Court of SIlver Flameswill hit shelves in February. But – and perhaps more importantly – the second installment in her debut adult contemporary Crescent City series is due to hit shelves. But when?

To be fair, we don’t know a ton about this sequel just yet — not even a title, let alone anything plot-related, like whether the POV characters will shift for this next installment or what characters it will feature.

But we do know when we can expect to get to read it. According to the Bloomsbury Publishing website, this still as-yet-untitled sequel will be published on November 2, 2021.

It should be mentioned, of course, that that date is tentative and subject to change. And, given the wide and varied impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had on publishing as an industry, and on its release date calendar specifically, there’s every chance it will change.

But, at least we have an idea of how long we have to get through. By the way, for those keeping count at home, this is roughly a year and a half since the release of the first novel. Whew.

The first novel, House of Earth and Blood, told the story of Bryce Quinlan, a half-human, half-Fae college grad, whose best friends are brutally murdered by a demon. Her investigation into the cause of their deaths is wrapped up by the end of the book, leaving us all free to wonder where the story goes from here. And whether Bryce will even be a part of it. (Let’s cross our fingers on that point, shall we?)

Are you looking forward to more from the world of Crescent City? Sound off about what you’d like to see in the sequel in the comments.