Kevin, David, and Dani were all evicted within the span of two hours during week 8 of Big Brother 22, which saw the franchise’s first-ever triple eviction.
After Da’Vonne’s eviction episode last week ended in the promise of the BB Neighbor taking over for the week AND the announcement of a triple eviction on the horizon, our hopes were high that the caginess in the Big Brother house finally would end and the claws would truly come out. After all – the entire season couldn’t be this boring and predictable, could it?
Well, one week and three evictions later, Big Brother 22 has managed to defy the odds by yet again delivering the most predictable possible outcome that a triple eviction could’ve reaped – and if you can’t tell, we’re pretty over it. Although there was a small glimmer of hope when Christmas and Tyler voted to evict Nicole, Enzo fell in line with the rest of the house, and the three easiest targets – Kevin, David, and Dani – left back to back to back.
The BB Neighbor week: A major letdown
As excited as we were for the triple eviction when the credits rolled last Thursday, we were more excited to see what Dr. Will would have in store for the houseguests – his signature acerbic wit made him a fan favorite, and it would’ve been refreshing to see him let this current crop of “all stars” (and we use that term with some reluctance) really have it. However, other than some themed competitions and a few pre-recorded video messages, the BB neighbor week was a huge letdown – Will wasn’t nearly as involved in the gameplay or even the social dynamics as much as we would’ve liked.
Because the house is apparently intent on voting every minority out of the house in rapid succession before targeting the white men, Cody decided to waste his HOH on targeting David and Kevin – the two powerless floaters who barely won any comps and had no allies. Granted, Kevin didn’t help his situation by giving Cody a thinly veiled threat that, should he evict him, he wouldn’t vote for him to win if he was in the final two, but it was still frustrating to see him go up on the block for the 5th time in one season.
The iconic OTEV competition didn’t bring any excitement either – Will wasn’t involved (golden opportunity missed there), and Cody won, securing that all the power for the week laid in his hands. It would’ve been the perfect opportunity to take a shot and backdoor a powerful member of his alliance that he didn’t trust (like, say, Tyler), but he stuck to his guns.
We’re comforting ourselves with the thought that there’s an OTEV curse – no houseguest who has won OTEV has ever won Big Brother, so hopefully, that casts a bad omen on Cody’s game.
With Kevin and David sitting together on the block, the house voted unanimously to give the former 3rd placer the boot – deciding (correctly) that he was more dangerous than David, who was the first evicted on his season.
It’s a double-er- TRIPLE eviction!
With Kevin out the door, Julie didn’t waste much time telling the houseguests what they were already expecting – that it would be a double eviction. However, due to a production goof, the houseguests were able to see that the night would in fact be a triple eviction, due to the text on the screens behind Julie. Whoops.
After a Will-centric Q&A, it was Memphis who pulled out his third(!) HOH win of the season. He nominated David and Nicole – David because he’s been targeting the “rookie” since week two, and Nicole as a pseudo-pawn. Christmas won a balance beam veto and decided to keep nominations the same – securing either Nicole or David’s fate – the winner and the first boot.
When the houseguests headed to the diary room to cast their second of three votes for the evening, we got our only taste of excitement – Christmas and Tyler both voted to evict Nicole.
However (despite the fact that he’s been talking about making a big move all season) Enzo folded under pressure and voted with Dani and Cody to evict David. Why the houseguests would want to keep the former winner over last season’s first evictee is beyond us, but David said his goodbyes, and it was on to the final HOH of the evening.
The Committee crumbles – finally.
With David out of the house, and Christmas and Tyler throwing wonky votes believing that Nicole was the one who would be going home, it was do or die time for the final two – and Tyler was able to pull out a miraculous HOH win, securing his and Xmas’ safety for the evening. David and Kevin leaving meant that everyone left in the house was aligned with each other, which put Tyler in the unenviable position of drawing first blood within his own alliance.
However, due to his beef with Dani from previous weeks, he nominated her and Nicole (playing pawn, yet again) for eviction. He dodged getting more blood on his hands by winning veto and keeping nominations the same – which left Nicole sitting on the block for the second time in one evening, and Dani primed to go home. Despite Dani giving a cutthroat speech that called out Christmas and Tyler, she couldn’t rally the votes to stay and was evicted on yet another (sigh) unanimous vote.
So what now?
Though the HOH competition didn’t air in the episode, this week’s HOH is (spoiler alert!) Cody, yet again. The least controversial move on his part would be to nominated Tyler and Christmas – the two who voted against the alliance during the triple – but if one of them were to win veto and pull themselves down (which is very likely, given how good they are at competitions), that would put Cody in a tricky spot and force him to show his cards.
Still, as fun as it would be to see him sweat, it feels like whenever we want something to happen this season, the opposite does – so we’ll likely be in for another week of Nicole whining, Cody sitting pretty, and a predictable Christmas eviction. Yay, All-Stars.
This Week’s Big Brother Superlatives
Clutch Play of the Week: Tyler winning HOH after voting against the house likely saved him and Christmas from hitting the block together.
Most Memorable Moment: The production goof that let the houseguests know there was a triple happening. Whoops!
Houseguest in the Best Spot: Yet again, Enzo is playing a pretty flawless game – we can’t imagine why Cody would want to take a shot at him.
What was your reaction to Big Brother’s first triple eviction? Let us know in the comments!