Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy produced some memorable moments, but it’s the villains that really stole the show. But who were the best ones? We decide.
Who doesn’t like Batman? Sure, he doesn’t have to be your favorite superhero (Hi, Thor!), but a dude that dresses up as a bat and fights bad guys without any supernatural powers in order to help make his city better? You have to respect the drama at the very least. And the fact that he dresses up as the thing he feared the most as a kid. That’s storytelling at it’s best.
And then there’s the Batmobile! If at some point you didn’t want to have or ride in a Batmobile, have you really lived?
Batman also has all the cool gear. Bat-shaped nunchucks and top-of-the-line weaponry, plus all kinds of equipment to help him scale buildings. Not many other superheroes have all that tech (except for maybe Iron Man). It also doesn’t hurt that he can fly.
But the villains in the Batman movies are just as epic (if not more so) than the hero himself. Who is more iconic than the Joker? He has to be with all the movies he’s featured in. There’s also The Riddler, Penguin, Mr. Freeze. No other superhero franchise has so many weird and unique villains. But what about the most recent adaptation of the comics? The Christopher Nolan-directed trilogy.
How do those villains stack up against each other? Does any other Nolan villain top Heath Ledger’s Joker? Or does Bane and his mask and creepy voice come out on top? Let’s take a look at six of the major villains in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy and see how they rank.