The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman showed off variants of new comic Negan Lives, revealing stunning silver, gold, and red foil covers.
It should come as no shock to dedicated fans of The Walking Dead comics that Negan would get his own one-off special comic. Creator Robert Kirkman has stated in the past that Negan is his favorite character. And the last big portion of Negan’s story was issue 174 which was released in 2017.
During issue 174, Negan is off living alone and is confronted by Maggie. He begs her to kill him but she spares him. This is the last time comic readers see him until the very last issue of The Walking Dead comics. In issue 193, he has a single small picture of him placing flowers on Lucille’s grave. Knowing this popular character is alive with that much unaccounted time, fans of Negan wanted more.
On July 1st, Negan Lives will be released to comic shops only. The COVID-19 pandemic has done a number on many businesses, and Kirkman wanted to take this chance to help benefit local comic shops. Therefore, this issue will not be available for purchase digitally.
In a video he shared on Twitter, Kirkman shows off all the wonderful releases he has for July 1st. He also unveils stunning foil variants. These variants will be very rare, and fans are clamoring at a chance to own one. Every shop will receive 2 silver foil covers and only one gold.
This video also shows that there is a red foil variant, Kirkman jokes that this cover doesn’t even exist. Only leading to more questions and excitement from fans. It’s possible they were testing what different colors would look like and maybe this is the only red foil cover, or maybe only the folks involved in the production of the book get one.
Red foil cover aside, all versions of this comic will be very sought after. It’s important if you want this special issue of The Walking Dead that you call your local comic shop. Ask about their procedures for getting a variant as some shops are first come first serve. Also ask about shopping procedures, as COVID-19 has some shops only offering curbside pick-up.
The synopsis of this issue states that we get to catch up with Negan since his appearance in issue 174. While it appears he lives a life of solitude in issue 193, that may not be a case. This character is larger than life so the possibilities are endless. Pick up this copy if you have a chance, and feast your eyes on Kirkman’s amazing creation.
Are you excited for this special issue of The Walking Dead? Are you going to try and get a special variant of Negan Lives? Tweet me your thoughts @mamadeadhead on Twitter!