9. Gargoyles
Gargoyles! I used to watch this every day before school. The show aired from 1994 to 1997 and revolved around a group of gargoyles that turn to stone during the day and at night, come alive as the creatures and warriors they are.
While the gargoyles were originally on a Scottish castle in 994, they were cursed to sleep for 1000 years. It’s not until 1994 that they are bought and moved to a New York skyscraper where they’re awoken.
Once free from the curse, they must figure out where they are, what year it is, and how they can adapt to the modern world. They’re like the stone version of Captain America. But they aren’t alone. They have help from NYC a police officer named Elisa Maza.
Besides learning the ways of the world, the gargoyles also must deal with the man who bought them, David Xanatos. His main goal is to be immortal and he’s willing to do anything to get it. See, even in 1994 fictional New York billionaires are evil. Luckily, the gargoyles led by their leader, Goliath, are there to intervene and stop him from getting what he wants.
I don’t know if this show would work today. If you told someone this premise, they might think you were out of your mind, but it was perfect for the time it was on. And fans can fall in love with it all over again since it’s now streaming on Disney Plus.