It’s going to be a long wait for new episodes of our Arrowverse favorites. The CW announced its superhero line-up won’t return until January, 2021. Here’s what we know.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused virtually every show in The CW’s television lineup to end its season early, including its popular series of DC TV shows colloquially known as the “Arrowverse”. (Legends of Tomorrow will finish its run as intended, but that’s only because it has the shortest season of the lot and had already finished filming.)
Unfortunately, that’s not the only bit of bad news for DC TV fans. The CW announced today that the majority of its regular line-up – save the remaining episode’s of Supernatural‘s final – will not return until January 2021. Yes, really. We can all cry together.
This makes sense, as awful as it is, given the fact that most of these shows hadn’t even finished their current seasons, let alone started work on the ones still to come. And with sets and production offices in both the U.S. and Canada (many of these series film in Vancouver) still under lockdown protocols, it’s not clear when that work might even be able to start.
That doesn’t make any of this any easier, of course. January is a long way away.
The new line-up for both Fall and the official launch of the new season is below.
Coming soon to The CW!
— The CW (@TheCW) May 14, 2020
You’ll also probably notice that Supergirl currently doesn’t have a return slot. That’s because star Melissa Benoist’s real-life pregnancy will likely mean a midseason start for the show. And, as per usual, Legends of Tomorrow will also return at midseason, just as it did this year.
On the plus side, the new spin-off series Superman and Lois got officially added to the Arrowverse roster. (It’ll follow The Flash on Tuesdays.)
#SupermanAndLois is coming January 2021 to The CW!
— Superman & Lois (@cwsupermanlois) May 14, 2020
In even more Arrowverse updates, word on the street is that the annual network crossover will also move to early 2021 – it’s currently slated for some time in Q1 or Q2 – but will be much smaller in scope than this past season’s Crisis on Infinite Earths blowout.
Reportedly, it will only be a two-hour event, taking place on both Batwoman and Superman and Lois. (Though various characters from the other Arrowverse series are expected to take part.)
Thoughts on this big time schedule change? Advice to get through this brutal hiatus? Let us know.