Little Fires Everywhere is burning up Hulu thanks to not only the incredible story, but also its amazing cast. And we got to speak to Gavin Lewis, who brings Moody Richardson to life.
Are you as obsessed with the Hulu series Little Fires Everywhere as we are? Are you eagerly anticipating the final episode which is scheduled to drop on April 22? You are not alone! And you might be surprised to learn that even Gavin Lewis is excited for the final episode to premiere.
In an interview with actor, we had the opportunity to ask him about his work on the series, what it was like working with Reese Witherspoon, Joshua Jackson, and Kerry Washington, and even who his inspirations are. In some cases, his answers were exactly what we expected, and in others, we were thrilled by his decisions.
In Little Fires Everywhere, Lewis gives life to the character of Moody Richardson, a teenager who lives up to his name. And considering he is involved in a love triangle of sorts between his friend Pearl and his own brother, it makes sense that he might not be the happiest guy around.
When I asked Lewis if he was anything like Moody in real life, he explained that he thinks “we’re both more withdrawn kind of people, a little more introverted, not necessarily center of attention kind of people. But I definitely think I like my peers, more than Moody. I enjoy hanging out with friends. You know I do sort of like being sociable, as opposed to Moody’s sort of strong dislike of everyone.”
And talking about Moody, Lewis explained that what he enjoyed about this role was his ability to “spend time creating the character.” It seems that the actor was given the opportunity to really help develop who Moody was, and that is definitely something we can appreciate since he did an impressive job bringing the teenager to life in a way that makes sense and is in many ways very relatable.

Speaking of the love triangle that Moody is involved in, we had to know what the actor thought about this aspect of his storyline. According to him, “I think he sort of gravitates towards Pearl strongly because she’s somebody, unlike anybody I’ve ever met. She’s somebody like him, somebody that is into poetry and music and writing. And so he’s just so excited to have found somebody who he thinks is like him and doesn’t quite fit in. And he just tries his very best because he’s never really done this before, where he’s found somebody I think he thinks he’s in love with. And so he kind of just does everything he can to try and be what he thinks would be the perfect boyfriend material. And that’s sort of his journey is trying to figure out what he needs to do. And then it sort of starts to go south.”
Considering how things went south, we can understand why Moody might not be happy, especially looking at the connection he seemed to have with Pearl. And so it makes sense that Lewis sees this as a journey for his character. That being said, the actor did feel that it was fun playing a character who is not getting what he wants.
And while he couldn’t go into detail, Gavin Lewis said he was excited by the work he did in episode 8, which is of course the finale of Little Fires Everywhere. (We have to wonder if there is a scene with Pearl or his brother we need to be on the lookout for.) However, he did mention at least one intense scene that he will be a part of, so we will definitely be looking out for that.
Since Lewis couldn’t really tell us much about the final episode (even if we wanted to know it all), we had to know what it was like for him to work with such amazing talent. We needed to know what it was like to work with Witherspoon, Washington, and Jackson.
When it came to working with Reese Witherspoon, Lewis explained that “It was amazing. I mean, I got to work with Reese the most and she really was an excellent sort of role model as to who I would love to be somebody like growing up in this industry. She is so prepared, which I really thought was amazing. I swear she knew more about my character than I did. And it’s so much fun to play off of somebody like that in a scene. That’s so connected in the moment and gives you so much to work with. Like you can see everything they are thinking in their eyes. And it’s amazing.”
For Kerry Washington, the actor explained that, “what I like about her is the way that she connects to an emotional choice, and like really commits to it. And I, unfortunately didn’t get to work with her quite as much, but in the few scenes I did have with her it was really amazing.”
Finally working with Joshua Jackson was apparently a lot of fun, as Lewis explained that, “I loved the way he could connect into the scene really fast. Because he would be making everybody laugh, right up until the call to action, and would just like snap into character and I thought it was so cool.”
In terms of who he would love to work, Gavin Lewis was quick to mention Meryl Streep, followed closely by Benedict Cumberbatch. As he points out, “she’s unbelievably good, and he is really good with the way he like connects to words and his thought process. I would be beside myself if I got cast with him.”
With Little Fires Everywhere coming to a close on April 22, now is definitely the time to get caught up on the series. And definitely pay attention to Lewis’ work, as he really does bring Moody to life in a way that does justice to the story and the character.