Mark Ruffalo really wants Marvel to make a Professor Hulk movie

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - MARCH 1: Mark Ruffalo attends C2E2 Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo at McCormick Place on March 1, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images)
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - MARCH 1: Mark Ruffalo attends C2E2 Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo at McCormick Place on March 1, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images) /

If Marvel ever gets the rights to make a standalone Hulk film, Mark Ruffalo knows exactly what and who he wants to see in it.

Few characters have gotten as many big screen retellings as Spider-Man has, but the Hulk is one of them. First came Eric Bana, then Edward Norton. Now, the character belongs to Mark Ruffalo. (At this point, many Marvel fans would argue that he’s the only Hulk worth noting.) But while Bana and Norton both got their own Hulk movies, Ruffalo has not.

At this point, though, he doesn’t even want it. In fact, at Chicago’s Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) this year, Ruffalo told fans in the audience — and any powers that be that might’ve been listening — exactly what he does want.

“Kevin Feige, are you listening?” Ruffalo called out. “We want Professor Hulk!”

It’s not because he likes filming as the Hulk; Ruffalo noted that the process of filming for CGI purposes is actually “humiliating.” It requires him to wear what is essentially a spandex suit that Ruffalo described as form-fitting, to say the least. For reference, he called a few fans out of the crowd who were cosplaying this exact look.

Now, Ruffalo’s not the only that had to wear the suit for Avengers: Endgame — but he is the one who had to stand on a box for his scenes. The box creates the correct eye line heights for interactions between other characters and the Hulk. Unfortunately, it means that when cameras aren’t rolling, his costars are eye level with his crotch.

Still, Ruffalo would love to do a Professor Hulk movie, more so because he wants “to see the movie where Hulk and Banner battle it out.”

Fans will remember that Professor Hulk was only born during “The Blip,” when Bruce Banner had to figure out how to coexist with his smash-happy alter ego, without giving one or the other total control.

It’s that struggle that Ruffalo is interested in. He wants to know who Banner is when he’s not with the Avengers. (But maybe with Wolverine. Ruffalo cheekily added that he wouldn’t mind the mutant getting in the mix.)

And no, that doesn’t mean an origin story. Ruffalo has publicly said that he believes that all the pieces of his Hulk’s origin are in the movies he’s already been in. He reiterated at C2E2 that his Hulk has played out how it was always intended.

“It’s pretty much exactly how we planned it to be,” Ruffalo said. His arc stayed true from Age of Ultron all the way to Avengers: Endgame.

For now, Sony still owns the rights to a Hulk standalone film. Much like Spider-Man, the studio is holding onto it tightly. But that’s okay with Ruffalo; he’s got other projects he’s looking forward to — like a Parasite TV series. Ruffalo confirmed onstage that he is in early talks to play the father in the series adaptation of the Oscar-winning film. It’s all very preliminary right now, but, “Yeah, that’s pretty much true and in the works,” Ruffalo stated bluntly.

That said, Ruffalo did note that he thinks Bong Joon-Ho would make an excellent director for a Hulk movie….

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Would you want to see a Professor Hulk movie with Mark Ruffalo? Tell us why or why not in the comments below.