Poldark: Remembering the show’s most iconic moments

MASTERPIECEPoldark, The Final SeasonSundays, September 29 - November 17th at 9pm ETEpisode ThreeSunday, October 13, 2019; 9-10pm ET on PBSRoss’ tenacity in helping Ned bears fruit, but not without cost. Demelza wrestles with how best to equip the community to look after itself, and Morwenna lends herself to the cause and finds new hope. Geoffrey Charles and Cecily’s relationship continues to blossom while her father Ralph pursues an arrangement with George, but George’s sanity continues to deteriorate and Cary struggles under mounting responsibilities.Shown: from left to right: Aidan Turner as Ross Poldark and Eleanor Tomlinson as Demelza PoldarkCourtesy of Mammoth Screen
MASTERPIECEPoldark, The Final SeasonSundays, September 29 - November 17th at 9pm ETEpisode ThreeSunday, October 13, 2019; 9-10pm ET on PBSRoss’ tenacity in helping Ned bears fruit, but not without cost. Demelza wrestles with how best to equip the community to look after itself, and Morwenna lends herself to the cause and finds new hope. Geoffrey Charles and Cecily’s relationship continues to blossom while her father Ralph pursues an arrangement with George, but George’s sanity continues to deteriorate and Cary struggles under mounting responsibilities.Shown: from left to right: Aidan Turner as Ross Poldark and Eleanor Tomlinson as Demelza PoldarkCourtesy of Mammoth Screen

The time has come to say our goodbyes to Poldark after five whole seasons full of romance, drama and George Warleggan’s indignant chin.

Whether it was Ross making a series of rash decisions (that’s it; that’s the show) or Demelza and friends coming to his rescue, Poldark found its way straight to our hearts when the series began in 2015. Now, as we approach its final (…for now, at least) episode, we thought it might be nice to have a look back and see what beautiful gems it has given us over the years.

And trust us…there’s a lot.

Who could forget Ross flipping his card table in season 1? Or Demelza trying to have a vengeful affair, succeeding only on her second attempt with the nice but sort of boring Hugh?

Not to mention, of course, all the mining and the complicated 18th Century Cornish politics. This show simply has everything. It’s the drama, Ross, we just love it.

Here are our picks for five iconic moments from the series’ run – one from each season of the show.

Poldark Season 1: Ross and Demelza kiss

Season 1 is a veritable smorgasbord of delights, whether it’s Ross’ surprise return to Trenwith, the first appearance of his Ye Olde Ponytail or his rescuing of Demelza from a dogfight – all of which happens in the very first episode.

Any of those moments have been excellent choices, but as it didn’t feel quite right to pick the scything scene for…reasons, we had our sights set elsewhere.

Namely the scene where Ross and Demelza first kiss. This was where we signed up to ride or die for this show; with its chemically-charged romantic leads. The screen frankly sizzles with tension as they stand just a breath away from one another before succumbing to the seemingly inevitable.

It’s not quite ideal – Ross did shout at her beforehand – but even so. Scything pales in comparison.

Poldark Season 2: Dwight and Caroline reunite

Like Season 1, there’s plenty of iconic Poldark moments to choose from in Season 2. We almost went for Demelza giving Ross a piece of her mind after finding out about his tryst with Elizabeth. (Well, tryst if you’re PBS; rape if you’re going by source material).

But in the end, as is almost always the case with Poldark, romance wins. We couldn’t not mention the auspicious beginnings of Dwight and Caroline’s relationship. We always knew they’d go far, even if her uncle had misgivings.

What could be more romantic than the moment they finally reunite. Heartbroken Dwight has joined the Navy, hopelessly in love with a Caroline he believes is engaged, but, thanks to Ross, they are able to rekindle their love before his departure.

This description barely does the romance of it all justice, but for those of you who remember seeing Caroline appear in that tavern, you know what we’re talking about.

Poldark Season 3: Drake gives Morwenna the bracelet

Okay, again with the high romance. Season 3 had its fair share of explosive moments, and in many ways, we should probably be choosing Dwight’s dramatic rescue in France as our favorite. It is full of swashbuckling adventure and is arguably the most ambitious feat the show had attempted thus far.

But unfortunately our Drawenna brains wouldn’t listen. Instead, we’ve chosen – no, not the toads, although that is surprisingly romantic, would that someone would let loose some amphibians for us – the bracelet giving scene.

The will-they-they-definitely-will romance between Drake and Morwenna had been charming from their very first clifftop meeting, but Drake giving her his homemade seashell bracelet only sweetened the deal and consolidated our hope for them.

It was an intimate, meaningful display of love, made only more so by her dramatic throwing away of it a season later (we’re still upset about it but whatever, it was symbolic, we guess!).

Let us hope that Season 5 gives us the Drawenna baby it promised us in the penultimate episode. It’s what they (we) deserve.

Poldark Season 4: Bye Ossie

Given that we just waxed lyrical about our love for Drake and Morwenna, could Season 4’s best moment be anything other than the demise of terrible Ossie Whitworth?

Hoist by his own petard (a nice word for his depraved horniness), Ossie met his maker at the hands of his horse, spurred on by his brother-in-law Arthur after he caught his wife Rowella once again sucking Ossie’s toes for money (sorry, but we can assure you writing it was no easier than reading it).

Rarely would we choose a character death as the top moment of a season, but even Christian Brassington, who played Ossie, agrees that the Reverend is a special case. Ossie’s demise marked the end of our national toe-sucking nightmare, but more than that, it marked the end of Morwenna’s personal one.

Did we mention she’s happily having a baby with Drake now? All we do is win.

Poldark Season 5: Star-cross’d Geocily

Season 5 has been suitably jam-packed with content. Picking just one moment has been difficult, and of course, there’s one episode still to come. But if the theme is romance, we must stick with that between Geoffrey Charles and newcomer Cecily.

In a short space of time, Freddie Wise took on the mantle of the GC with all the charm and earnestness required of a young romantic hero. His relationship with Cecily was built on firm foundations – a mutual hatred of injustice and a mutual love for drama – and even as she was setting sail on a boat to Jamaica in order to save him from the wrath of her evil father, we hoped things might work out.

To inspire that level of belief in us – a very romance-savvy audience, if this article is anything to go by – shows just how brilliant the partnership played out. Kudos to Freddie and Lily Dodsworth-Evans for giving the more established couples on the show a run for their money in the chemistry stakes.

And for trumping the madness of Sir George on this list of best moments.

What do you think? Is there anything we’ve missed? Tell us your favorite Poldark moments in the comments below.