With a couple of missing Titans, the old team’s reunion just got more complicated. And an old threat just amplifies the stakes in “Deathstroke.”
Deathstroke is a notorious antagonist. While he isn’t always a villain in his many cameos, Slade Wilson is terrifying. Seriously, his skillset and meta-human abilities make him dangerous to nearly any opponent. Based on his titular episode, Titans S2E5 will bolster our apprehension about Deathstroke.
Last week’s blast from the past gave us chilling insight into why the heroes despise Deathstroke. Losing Garth still weighs on the old team. The grudge between the heroes and their foe still impacts the new recruits, as evidenced by Jason Todd’s current predicament.
Judging by the promo images for this week’s episode, things aren’t looking great for Boy Wonder 2.0. Naturally, we can expect Dick and the rest of the team will pull an ultimate hero heist to try and save Jason — unless, of course, Garfield is this week’s wild card and saves Jason himself. That would be a clever ode to Gar’s comic nemesis. After all, Slade was Garfield’s antagonist in The New Teen Titans before Slade expanded his sights to the rest of his teammates.

Considering the ambiguities surrounding Jason and Garfield’s predicament, we can’t even settle on a fan theory this week. However, we do know this episode will reintroduce an old threat and years of conflict between the Titans. As the Deathstroke vs. Titans saga continues, we hope this week will answer one question: Why does Deathstroke hate the heroes?
The way Dick glared at Jericho at the end of “Aqualad” gave us ample clues that Slade’s grudge is personal. But the Wilson family is notorious for faking deaths and laying low, which means theories would help us predict this week’s twists, turns, and promo-riddled puzzles.
Since last week was a flashback, this week’s episode would give us some glimpses of the past as well. After all, Slade Wilson is still a new character in the series, and Titans still has a lot of lore left to explore.