Titans S2E4 features an original Titan who’s only been namedropped before now. “Aqualad” focuses on the titular character, and we’re ready to meet him.
Somebody has been missing on Titans. Okay, a couple of somebodies have been missing (we see you Wally and Roy stans, and you deserve better). Ominously namedropped throughout the last couple of episodes, especially on “Ghosts,” Garth (i.e. Aqualad) hasn’t assembled with the rest of the original onscreen heroes. After a swarm of fan theories about Garth’s wellbeing, his titular episode could finally reveal whether the Atlantean is dead or alive.
Since this season focuses on the original team, it is strange that Garth hasn’t been in attendance. In the original Teen Titans run, Garth wasn’t just a formidable Titan. He helped form the team. Being ghosted by Aqualad has us thinking he might be deceased.
While we’re doubling down on our tragic fan theories, “Aqualad” could finally give us the answer we’ve been dreading. Grab your tissues for this week’s episode because Warner Bros. Television Division’s official synopsis has us worried:
"Four years ago, Dick, Donna, Hank, Dawn and Garth aka Aqualad (guest star DREW VAN ACKER) are living together in Titans Tower, thriving as a superhero team, and growing into a tight-knit family. But their personal feelings start to bleed more and more into their work, and with the arrival of a new villain, the Titans begin to question their destiny as heroes."

This seems less like a synopsis and more like a warning. Seriously, any episode that focuses on the team’s personal feelings always raises the emotional stakes.
You remember “Asylum.” That emotional traumatic episode lingered with the Titans for episodes afterward. We have yet to see the brunt of the psychological impact “Trigon” left on the heroes. Whenever the series delves into the team member’s personal dynamic people usually get hurt — and those people are usually us.
We’d say we’re ready for any and all tears this week, but we’re definitely not. Titans writers, please take pity on us. Or at least take pity on our tissue budget.
Here’s how you can watch the next episode of DC Universe’s Titans online:
"Date: Friday, September 27Time: 9 a.m. ETEpisode: “Aqualad”Streaming Platform: DC UniverseLive Stream: To watch this week’s episode of Titans, subscribe to DC Universe."