12. Minerva McGonagall vs. Sybill Trelawney
Book or movie? This is one of those rivalries that’s noted more in the books, but is around in the movies.
Brief description of the rivalry: The rivalry between McGonagall and Trelawney is actually one of those sweet and understandable rivalries. They’re not totally against each other, but they don’t quite agree with each other at the same time.
Their differences make them rivals in a way. But it’s a fun one that both move on from.
Did it remain a rivalry? While the rivalry will always sort of be there—the two are just too different to get alone—this isn’t really a rivalry that lasts and causes problems. When it all comes down to it, the two end up standing together and helping in the fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
Why it’s one of the greatest: This is one of those rivalries that shows just how two people won’t necessarily get along but don’t have to be complete enemies. Their rivalry is just one of differences—different beliefs, abilities, and preferences.
It’s not that they hate each other. They just don’t like each other. There’s that reminder that we don’t have to get along with everyone in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we have to be mean.