Weather ruined vacation, always remember this one word


A weather ruined vacation can happen anytime and anywhere. While it can be disappointing, always remember this one word.

After all the planning, a weather ruined vacation can be disappointing. As hurricane season rages, nature’s power is in full effect. In winter, snow blankets areas. While no one can control weather, people can control their responses to the situation. When weather impacts your vacation plans, remember this one word.

A vacation is meant to be filled with fun and happy memories. From sitting on the beach to flying down a mountain, those moments can be magical. As a storm approaches, those idyllic moments disappear.

Many people take preparations at the time they plan their vacations. Travel insurance is always a good idea, especially when traveling during hurricane season. Many of the plans will offer coverage for weather-related events.

Of course, it is disappointing to cancel that vacation, but the alternative may not be smart. Why be in the middle of a weather event if you don’t have to?

Still, there is another more important word to remember during these weather issues.

While travelers might have disappointment about missing out on the fun and entertainment, there is more at stake. Safety of everyone involved is more important that any fun filled moment. Just like no one should balance on a ledge to take an Instagram picture, jetting off into a storm is also ill advised.

But, in some cases, hotels, especially those at Disney, offer a safe haven during a hurricane. It might sound unusual for the non-Floridians, but Disney is a location where locals head during an evacuation.

Walt Disney World has its own power and water, which makes it a smart place to stay. In many cases, Disney doesn’t lose power or water, which is why people head there in the middle of a storm. Yes, that magical place can be even more special during times of crisis.

Even if you aren’t near Disney during a weather scenario, hotels often house evacuees and stranded passengers. Many people who have to leave their homes look for places that are comfortable during the storm. Hotels often have generators which help prevent power loss. While it isn’t a vacation, it can be more comfortable than being at a shelter.

But, that scenario leads to a very important reminder. Whether you are a vacationer whose plans were impacted or a local who has to evacuate, there is one very important word to remember.

The most important thing to remember during a weather ruined vacation is kindness. Yes, everyone is scared in these moments. Yes, tensions are high. Yes, the unknown is prevalent. But, everyone can control one thing, how they treat each other.

A simple smile, kind word or empathetic gesture can and does make a huge difference in these stressful times. The hotel staff, travel personal and others have left their families behind to help others. While everyone is scared, please do not project those emotions on the people who are trying to help.

Think about it for a moment, Snow White might be all smiles and the epitome of happiness, but she could have left her family to bring magic to others. The same can be said about the front check-in person, the airline attendant and even the restaurant staff serving your meal.

In the grand scheme of things, is it the end of the world if you taco’s hot sauce isn’t fiery hot or your beer is just a tad warm? The most important thing is that people are safe and out of harm’s way. Doesn’t that person who is helping you deserve a smile, warm gesture and word of kindness?

Yes, a weather ruined vacation can be disappointing, but think about the bigger picture. What positivity can come from these moments of tragedy?

Whether it is Dorian demolishing parts of the Bahamas, Irma having impacted the Florida Keys or Katrina forever changing New Orleans, the goodness of people can be found in times of hardship. From providing a warm meal to donating funds, any gesture, even just a kind word or positive thought, can and will make a difference.

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So next time you lament about that weather ruined vacation, take a moment and remember kindness. That one word, that simple gesture will make even the toughest of times a little better.