After last week’s emotional episode, Young Justice: Outsiders will kick up the conflict in episode 20. Plus, we’ll find out some unexpected details.
Last week’s Young Justice: Outsiders brought the titular team closer together, but it tore some relationships apart. Following Tara’s devious decisions, this week could lead us further into the Judas Contract drama. However, episode 20 picks up from the conflict and Halo’s ominous note.
After the Outsiders duped Lex Luther last week, the plot thickened. We just didn’t see any more progression for the noteworthy villains on the series. Instead, the tension pivoted to Halo’s confession to Brion and Tara. While Brion forgave and comforted Halo for kissing Harper, it was Halo’s confession about Gabrielle that made Brion and Tara distrust her.
The tragedy isn’t over yet though, especially given Halo’s final moments in the episode. The cliffhanger left us with Halo writing a note. Seeing as she hasn’t yet confided in anyone about her mortality, her letter could be an impactful part of episode 20.
In the world of the Outsiders, a lot can happen this week. Given the very slow build to the drama on the show, we might not see any resolution regarding Halo or her note until next week (or at the very least the last few moments of this episode). After all, DC Universe’s Young Justice: Outsiders has to string us along somehow, right?
With a growing horde of heroes and displaced meta-humans, episode 20 could give us some insight into the latest batch of rescued meta-humans. We have been waiting for some updates on the soon-to-be-heroes. Perhaps we might even learn their names this week (or at least we can hope).
As expected with any episode, this week won’t be without conflict, fight sequences, and heart-to-hearts. Though we’re still anticipating some resolution in regard to a lot of subplots and character arcs, at least we can count on two things this week. One, the Outsiders will become a more close-knit team. And two, we’ll get even closer to Darkseid’s plot.
What are you looking forward to during this week’s episode of Young Justice: Outsiders? Let us know in the comments below.