Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is doing a really good job at keeping Sarge’s past under wraps. But we have a pretty crazy idea of what it might be.
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD likes to keep things secret. The show likes to make us wait to have answers. They like to throw the universe at us and expect us to be cool with it, even though we don’t know why it’s getting thrown at us.
Case in point this season: Sarge.
Coulson’s face. Coulson’s exact DNA. But definitely not Coulson.
What gives? Well, Agents of SHIELD hasn’t explained anything yet. Sarge’s character says that he’s been alive for over a hundred years, so he was technically around before Coulson. But that means we have to take Sarge’s word for it.
The question remains: What do we think Sarge’s past involves?
And might it be a tie back to that deal he made with Ghost Rider?

Sure, that particular deal ate away at the alien voodoo magic that was holding Coulson together. And we all assumed the deal meant Ghost Rider inhabiting Coulson’s body for that one brief scene. But Coulson’s life should be worth a little more than that.
Perhaps part of the deal involved claiming Coulson’s body after he dies so that Ghost Rider no longer has to find a living human host. But when the Spirit of Vengeance takes on Coulson’s body, he loses all memories of who and what he was before.
And time can be a little wonky when you’re not on Earth.
Plus, it would be a great tie-in to that Ghost Rider show that’s going to premiere on Disney+!
Or it could always be as simple as the multiverse theory that Deke’s been raving about since last season (and that Spider-Man: Far From Home will probably touch on). Sarge is just a different version of Coulson from another world.
Regardless, Agents of SHIELD has to give us some answers sooner or later. Like, before the world ends.