10 of the most fantastic moments from Good Omens

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Crowley facing the potential loss of Aziraphale

At the end of the fourth episode, Aziraphale finds himself being swept back to Heaven, and his bookshop ends up in flames. While Crowley is not here for this to happen, he arrives on scene to find his friend gone and his beloved store being reduced to ash and rubble.

After being knocked down by a spray of water trying to put the fire out, Crowley sits up among the ruin of his friend’s store and shouts out his pain and loss.

In this moment, Good Omens gives us concrete proof that Crowley truly does care about Aziraphale, as he is not only willing to call on whatever deity will listen, but seems ready to take on whoever has done harm to his friend.

While we don’t know for sure in this moment what has happened to the angel (unless of course you have read the book), we can understand Crowley’s pain and suffering. After all, Aziraphale has been with him on Earth for thousands of years. They may be on opposite sides of things, but they have a relationship that revolves around respect and understanding.

In fact, we have already discussed how their relationship is the heart and soul of Good Omens. In this moment, it is painfully clear that Crowley cares about Aziraphale — no matter what side he is on. I was truly moved by this scene and could not wait to see what the demon’s next move would be.