10 of the most fantastic moments from Good Omens

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The final Horseman is summoned

The summoning of the final Horseman, Death, is equal parts fantastic and expected. In order to get a message to Death, it obviously requires a sacrifice, which the delivery driver is willing to make in order to make his final delivery.

After handing a package off to the third Horseman, Pollution, the delivery driver arrives back at his truck to find a letter. While the driver is clearly unhappy with what’s left, he also seems resigned to his fate.

Once he leaves a note for his girlfriend letting her know he loves her, it’s now time for him to summon Death. And after sacrificing himself in order for the final Horseman to arrive, the driver delivers his message that let Death know it’s time for him to ride with the other three Horseman.

Perhaps what makes this moment so fantastic is not only the fact that we get to see Death, but also the vast expanse of infinity that seems to stretch out once he arrives. It all seems as if one could expect the stars to be the answer to what comes next once we move on from this world.

While this Good Omens scene may not seem fantastic, there’s something about it that really sticks out. It may have been the fact that with Death’s arrival, all of the Horsemen have been summoned — or even the glimpse of what death might be like.