10 of the most fantastic moments from Good Omens

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Atlantis rising

Did anyone expect to see the lost city of Atlantis rising out of the ocean? Even though we don’t actually see it rising out of the sea, we do get to see the confusion as a cruise ship finds itself on dry land thanks to the unexpected arrival of the lost city.

And not only that, but the people of Atlantis are just as surprised as anyone else is. After all, their unsinking and discovery was not something they ever would have expected either. I mean, even we weren’t expecting this to happen, technically.

What makes this Good Omens scene so fantastic is not only that it is unexpected, but also because it feels like a dream sequence inspired by the anti-Christ after reading a magazine. With voices whispering to young Adam as he sleeps, the boy who would bring about the apocalypse seems to be making miracles happen.

Even with this moment being a way to kick-start the apocalypse (as well as the fourth episode of the show), there is something magical about Atlantis being discovered in such a unique and unexpected way. It also helps that the people of Atlantis end up on the cruise ship that found them and interacting as if they were meant to be there.

Adam might be destined to bring about the end of times, but in this case it feels like he did the exact opposite. After all, isn’t this him reviving a lost civilization, rather than destroying the world?